Tips on insulation

Are you planning on building, renovating or adding on to a house?
Do you want adequate insulation?
The best time for insulation work in when you are making major renovations. This allows you to kill two birds with one stone. The cost for well-done insulation work can be recouped in a very short period of time.
Attention! The advice given here is for general purposes; each case is unique and may require specific interventions.

Cathedral ceiling
Along with the walls and the basements, the roof is a very important part that needs to be insulated. Bad roof insulation can have damaging consequences because more than any other part of the house, a roof in constantly exposed to snow wind and sun.
The best time to insulate the roof is when you are re-roofing. It is preferable and less costly to insulate from the exterior, this way the interior finishings are preserved.

Cantilevered constructions
Polyurethane foam
Cellulose fiber
Air circulation space
Insulation stop
Cantilevered constructions often cause cold floors or air infiltration.
The best way to avoid this problem is to apply a coat of polyurethane from the joist down to the foundation wall. Cavities and joints through which air can get in will be insulated and the warm air will circulate freely under tha floor.
Additions built on piles
The most widespread cases of wrong insulating techniques are found in additions built on piles. Yet, if the addition is well planned, this work is very simple and the result is guaranteed.
The best time to insulate an addition is before closing the floor.
This way, the work is easier to do and less costly.
Attention! The advice given here is for general purposes; each case is unique and may require specific interventions. It would be better to consult your Thermo-Pro representative before starting the work.
Polyurethane foam
Cellulose fiber
Dead air space
Vapor barrier